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Operating system (mac, win or unix) Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista

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NEW! Now runs scripts.

NEW! Scripts.

HotKey QL™  2.0.5


The HotKey QL system gives the ability to keep all the keyboard shortcuts in one central place, this is very different to the way shortcuts are implemented by Windows. With the added option to include a description to each of the key combinations, the system makes it very easy to see the action performed by the key combination.

As the list is in a central location, there is no need to track application shortcuts or any need to keep shortcut files just so that a key combination can be used to perform the action.
Shortcuts can run either pre-defined actions or user defined actions. This means that if you want to run My Computer when you press CTRL + F5, you can with very little effort.

In addition to the standard shortcuts, HotKey QL can run scripts in the forms; batch, Visual Basic scripts and Java scripts. These can be controlled using key combinations or just run from the editor.
Running scripts from the editor without a key combination assigned allows easy access to in-frequently used scripts, whereas frequently used scripts can have a key combination assigned for easy access.
The system, as with the shortcuts, allows you to store all your scripts in one central location with easy access.
Note: For VBScripts and JScripts you will need to have Windows Script Host installed (this is installed by default in all systems).

Adding key combinations is very simple; just right click on the HotKey QL keyboard icon in the taskbar tray and select 'show editor', then click 'add', and finally 'capture' to get the key combination. You can then add your own action or choose from one of the pre-defined special actions (e.g. My Documents). Select OK to add.
Note: newly created key combinations are disabled by default and must be activated before use (e.g. by ticking the items check box).

Note: Some key combinations are used within certain applications, so although these combinations will still work with HotKey QL, they will replace the previous assignment, producing possibly undesirable actions. With this in mind, it is prudent to take care choosing key combinations.


The image below shows an example of the HotKey QL editor. The editor is the interface which can add, edit and remove shortcuts and scripts.


HotKey QL main window

Customer quotes:

"I love the script to eject my CD drive"

"allows me to use all the extended keys on my Logitech keyboard"


What's new in 2.0.5


Added support for Windows Vista.


Key features


· Gives the ability to launch applications, URL's, open folders etc. from a simple key combination.
· Easy to set-up and create hot key combinations.
· Allows the use of left and right ALT, shift and control key combinations.
· Can be used with special extended keyboards to allow mapping of special keys.
· Easily runs scripts
· Runs: Batch, Visual Basic scripts and Java scripts.

Example VBScripts

Eject a CD/DVD (or any removable) drive

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' Eject the F drive
strRun = "EjectDrive.exe f"
' Run the eject application
call WshShell.run(strRun)


Load a CD/DVD (or any removable) drive

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' Load the F drive
strRun = "EjectDrive.exe /l f"
' Run the eject application
call WshShell.run(strRun)


 Download the EjectDrive.exe application


Eject the current CD in drive F

' Eject all CD/DVD drives
Eject "F:\\"
Sub Eject(CDROM)
Dim ssfDrives
ssfDrives = 17
End Sub


Mount an ISO image (requires Disc Image Pro)

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' Mount an image
strRun = "ImageMount.exe /Q /M c:\image.iso"
' Run the mount application
call WshShell.run(strRun)

or as a batch script

@echo off
Rem Mount the image
ImageMount.exe /Q /M c:\image.iso


Find out which letter the CD Rom drive is on

Const DriveTypeCDROM = 4
Set oFS = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oDrives = oFS.Drives 'Loop thru A-Z. If found, exit early
For Each Drive in oDrives
If Drive.DriveType = DriveTypeCDROM Then
Wscript.Echo Drive.DriveLetter
End If
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Disc Image Professional 2.3.1 is now available. This upgrade adds multi-user support and fixes a Vista mount issue.

MSAD Login 3.1.0 is now available. This version includes TLS and Kerberos support.

Archive SE 1.1.5 is now available. This upgrade adds support for Tar and BZip2.

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Developer of Exchange Server e-mail disclaimers, compression, ISO CD/DVD disc image management, MP3 ID3 editing and Macintosh Active Directory integration.